April 15, 2021 - COVID 19 STATIS - at this time all employees  and employer are covid free but because of the just releases warning by the ’Grey Bruce Health Unit’ (read below)   Backyard  Releaf will be closing down for the next 48 hours.  We plan on being back to work on Monday April 19, 2021.
 Stay safe and thank you for understanding.  Gail McPherson

COVID-19 Critical Threshold
posted on 4/15/2021 9:19:00 AM
The Grey Bruce Health Unit is declaring a critical threshold of COVID-19 cases in Grey Bruce. If we do not implement drastic measures at this juncture, the pandemic will spiral out of control. We have identified over 70 new confirmed cases across Grey Bruce in the last thirty-six hours with the potential to generate hundreds of additional close contacts.